The charts below show how many clock pulses are in each note value for various PPQN (pulses per quarter note) resolutions. For example, the first chart is used if your sequencer has a 96 PPQN clock resolution. Note values start with a whole note and diminish down to a 128th note. (Some PPQN resolution do not divide evenly to support certain note values. An unsupported note value is indicated by --).
96 PPQN Whole 384 Dotted Whole 576 Whole Triplet 256 Half 192 Dotted Half 288 Half Triplet 128 Quarter 96 Dotted Quarter 144 Quarter Triplet 64 Eighth 48 Dotted Eighth 72 Eighth Triplet 32 16th 24 Dotted 16th 36 16th Triplet 16 32nd 12 Dotted 32nd 18 32nd Triplet 8 64th 6 Dotted 64th 9 64th Triplet 4 128th 3 Dotted 128th -- 128th Triplet 2
192 PPQN Whole 768 Dotted Whole 1152 Whole Triplet 512 Half 384 Dotted Half 576 Half Triplet 256 Quarter 192 Dotted Quarter 288 Quarter Triplet 128 Eighth 96 Dotted Eighth 144 Eighth Triplet 64 16th 48 Dotted 16th 72 16th Triplet 32 32nd 24 Dotted 32nd 36 32nd Triplet 16 64th 12 Dotted 64th 18 64th Triplet 8 128th 6 Dotted 128th 9 128th Triplet 4
240 PPQN Whole 960 Dotted Whole 1440 Whole Triplet 640 Half 480 Dotted Half 720 Half Triplet 320 Quarter 240 Dotted Quarter 360 Quarter Triplet 160 Eighth 120 Dotted Eighth 180 Eighth Triplet 80 16th 60 Dotted 16th 90 16th Triplet 40 32nd 30 Dotted 32nd 45 32nd Triplet 20 64th 15 Dotted 64th -- 64th Triplet 10 128th -- Dotted 128th -- 128th Triplet 5
384 PPQN Whole 1536 Dotted Whole 2304 Whole Triplet 1024 Half 768 Dotted Half 1152 Half Triplet 512 Quarter 384 Dotted Quarter 576 Quarter Triplet 256 Eighth 192 Dotted Eighth 288 Eighth Triplet 128 16th 96 Dotted 16th 144 16th Triplet 64 32nd 48 Dotted 32nd 72 32nd Triplet 32 64th 24 Dotted 64th 36 64th Triplet 16 128th 12 Dotted 128th 18 128th Triplet 8